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From Broken to Redeemed: Meet Jeannette

Life can take us down paths we never imagined. Some filled with heartbreak, loss, and moments of utter despair. But even in our darkest seasons, there’s a hope that shines brighter than we could ever imagine. For those who surrender to Jesus, He takes brokenness and transforms it into something beautiful. This is the story of a life forever changed by the grace of Jesus and the powerful step of baptism. A story of finding peace, purpose, and redemption through a Savior who never stops pursuing us. So meet Jeannette, a woman who's story went from being broken to redeemed.

broken to redeemed true north church baptism story

Jeannette's Jesus Story: Going from Broken to Redeemed

Before Jesus

"I grew up with a pretty normal upbringing. It was me, my sister, my mom and dad. Unfortunately when I was 3 years old we found out my dad had cancer and when I was 8, my dad passed, which took a big toll on our family. I grew up in Pittsburgh with a Catholic upbringing and went to church regularly but didn’t understand the faith, and had no true relationship with Jesus at all. I was living a life so far away from God, and was very focused on worldly things and living a life that I could show off and impress others with. I ended up in a very emotionally and mentally abusive marriage which ended in divorce. I unfortunately didn’t take the time to heal properly after my marriage which led me into another very mentally and emotionally abusive situation. Because of those choices, I felt completely lost, defeated and broken and at one point I was coming up with a plan to end my life."


But then...


"My aunt Kay, who is truly a gift from God, had always played an important role in my life. but growing up I didn’t realize that at the time or the impact she would truly have on me. She always watched over me and continued to do that into adulthood. When she saw that I was struggling, she gently stepped in and offered a listening ear and encouragement to start going back to church. Once I started going to church, I immediately loved it and knew that this was going to change my life in an amazing way. From that point on Jesus grabbed a hold of my heart and really started to work in me. I would later come to find out that right before my dad passed, he told my aunt Kay that if nothing else, He wanted my sister and I to know Jesus."

broken to redeemed true north church baptism story

Because of the Redemptive Power of Jesus

"Life didn’t necessarily get easier, but Jesus filled a void that nothing else could fill and provided me a peace to guide me through the difficult moments in my life. He blessed me with a season of opportunity to dive deep and really get to know and understand who He is. He used this time to transform my heart which now allows me to be so grateful for my experiences rather than regret them. What I mean by that is, had I not gone through exactly what I went through, I don’t know if I would have Jesus in my life, and I never want to be without him again. I’m now able to use my experiences to relate to others and be a walking testimony of the life change that Jesus provides. After that season of continuing to seek Jesus and spend time with Him, He blessed me with a  fiancé that I get to serve God’s Kingdom with and I truly couldn’t be more grateful for where God is going to take me."

broken to redeemed true north church baptism story

Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is Eternal. 2 Corinthians 4:16-18

Jeannette's story is a powerful reminder that no matter how broken or lost we feel, Jesus offers hope, healing, and transformation. Through His love and grace, He fills the voids that nothing else can and uses even the hardest experiences to bring us closer to Him.

If you have questions about Jesus, baptism, or how to take the next step in your faith journey, we’re here to help. We’d love to walk alongside you as you discover the life-changing hope found in Jesus.


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